Our goal with the Shadowbox Mural Project is simply to create a shadowbox mural made out of clay. Clay gives you the wonderful look of 3 dimensions, so I'm hoping that the shadowbox will be, well, shadow-y.
The mural is going to consist of about 70 shadowboxes that are 1 1/4" thick. The boxes will be of varying sizes, and will fit together like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. We are going to have each box individually designed, but the end piece is going to have an overall "hidden" image that will be revealed in the process of making the mural.
When a custodian asked me how heavy the mural was going to be, I laughingly said, "Really heavy." I may have slid in an expletive into the middle of that sentence to elaborate on just HOW heavy the mural will be, but I've been consoled by the head of maintenance that the dimensions (3 feet tall by 12 feet long) will hit enough studs in the wall to maintain stability.
This is by far the biggest undertaking that I have ever done with students, and I vaccilate between being excited and nerve-racked on a daily basis about this mural.
Very cool. I look forward to following your progress. But really...consider a little moisturizer in the morning.